8 Traits of Flashpackers that Separate them from Backpackers

Flashpackers are different from backpackers in so many ways. Aside from having the dough and the technology, flashpackers display significant traits that set them apart from backpackers.

In our efforts to identify this rapidly growing breed of travelers, we made a research and consolidated available resources to give a simple and clear meaning of flashpackers which you can read in Flashpacking: The Millennials’ Way of Travelling in the 21st Century.”

It is also our goal to identify their unique traits and reveal why tourism shareholders are becoming more interested with this fast growing market than before.

Although flashpackers & backpackers share some identifical characteristics. For some people, flashpacking is simply when backpackers grow up and get more budget. Thus, some of the traits are taken from the latter. These traits evolved and improved producing a new breed of travelers. Here are  the 8 Characteristics of a Flashpacker.

Seeks out High Value Experience/Services – Like Backpackers, Flashpackers look for high value experience during their travel. They search for fresh and interesting adventures in the area. However, unlike backpackers they are so willing to shell out money as long as it’s worth the experience and it’s unforgettable. They love excellent service and most likely will pay extra for an added service.

Has More Funds to Splurge During Travel –  Flashpackers normally spend more than backpackers during their entire travel. They allocate a big chunk of their budget on accommodation, food, transportation and activities more than anything. They no longer see room sharing as fun and appealing experience instead they would rather book a private room for their own security & convenience.

Sees the Value of Time More Important Than the Value of Money – Flashpackers would spend extra in order to quickly achieve something. They would rather pay a hefty plane ticket and reach their destination in a short time than buy a cheap ferry ticket and spend overnight sailing to get there.

Into business venture or works in a corporate world – Most often than not, flashpackers own a business that makes them liquid. If they aren’t, they’re probably working in a corporate world which make them urbanized and better negotiators.

Sees Traveling as an Avenue of Business Ideas – More than leisure, backpackers believe that traveling plays an important role in (keeping their sanity and) generating effective business ideas which they take home after holiday.

On Career Break/Holiday – Contrary to backpackers’ mantra who dedicated their lives to endless wanderlust, Flashpackers are bonded by their business or corporate lives back home. They have brief holidays that their entire trips are really short from an ovenight weekend to less than a month vacation.

Tech Savvy – another crucial characteristics of Flashpackers are having electronic gadgets such as smartphone, camera, & tablet. These toys are essential travel partners to help them do certain task,  document every happening and connect to the world while fulfilling their wanderlust. A smartphone with data connection is also important because it allows them to communicate while traveling.

Less Baggage is Convenient Traveling – No, they’re not fan of big backpacks and gigantic luggages. In fact, they choose to travel light to skip the long lines of check in counters and escape the agony of carrying a heavy luggage. Having more budget than backpackers, they would rather buy clothes or rent things on the place of their destination than carry a bulky overweight bag.

As a rule of thumb whatever is value fpr money, fresh, high value experience, convenient, relaxing, fast,  unforgettable and worthy of likes attract Flashpackers. So what do you think? Are you a flashpacker?

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